Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Next New

There are many different kinds of new media but there are always room for more. A new media I have in mind will help us on a professional level. Much like dating sites and apps, having one with professionals/recruiters and job seekers would be great. The site or app will match the professional and job seeker depending on the information they have given. They can only interact with each other if both parties agree. Also, professionals can only see those who meet their requirements. By having a match, they can chat or even do an online video interview. In order to filter out scams, each person who signs up for an account will need to provide private information of their identity.  


  1. I think that would make job interviews much easier and less stressful for both employers and job seekers. A person can gather a lot more information in a profile than they can in a resume.

  2. I really like this idea because it wouldn't compete with LinkedIn. This has its own niche where its between a student and the recruiter. This doesn't involve every professional that signs up. This could be a site strictly for getting interviews or jobs as opposed to staying connected and networking with people.

  3. This is like a professional version of Tinder, one that would be more beneficial to the user in a variety of ways.
